Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Wonder Weavers

Today was the beginning of our Summer Reading program. Performing for us this morning was the female duo, the Wonder Weavers Storytellers (Tina Rohde and Colleen Shaskin) from Eden Prairie, Minnesota. The Wonder Weavers had a great collection of international stories that they told, while using puppets to help them tell the stories.

One of the activities they did with the children was to use the colored parachute. As you can see the kids had a lot of fun.

The best part was to flip the parachute high and then hide underneath! Luckily the weather held out for us and didn't rain this morning. It's hard to believe it's July 1 and the temperature outside was only in the upper fifties. I guess that's better than having little children sitting outside in 90 degree heat!!!
For more information about the Wonder Weavers, go to their webpage.

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