Monday, February 8, 2010

A Must Read

Hi, Jenny here....I guess it has been awhile since my last book review, not that I haven't been reading some great books, just haven't taken the time to write down my thoughts. Out of all the books I've read these past months, Bloodroot was the best and I highly recommend it as a must read for 2010.

If you are looking for a book that will stick with you, this is the one. First time novelist Amy Greene weaves a fascinating story of one Appalachian family that spans decades. The book unfolds like a living scrapbook, penned all in first person using the voices of each different character to write on the hearts of readers the ethereal joys, sorrows and intimate decisions of each person.

I am intrigued with the authors ability to breathe life into each character and give them their own distinctive voice. The story language of this book is like a slow brewed and savored drink that once drunk, becomes a part of you.

Click here to reserve your copy.

"Named for a flower whose blood-red sap possesses the power both to heal and poison, Bloodroot is a stunning fiction debut about legacies - of magic and madness, faith and secrets, passion and loss - that haunt one family across the generations, from the Great Depression to today." (taken from the publishers description)

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